Meet the Team
Class Schedule
Kids 3.5 - 13
3.5 - 4 Tiny Tigers
5 - 8 Little Warriors
8 - 13 Young Dragons
Teens & Adults 13+
Trial Class Waiver
Register for Class
3.5-4yo Registration
5-8yo Registration
8-13yo Registration
Teen/Adult Registration
Ephrata Martial Arts
Teen / Adult Registration
Please contact us to schedule your free trial class before registering.
If registering more than one family member, please list Student #1 as the member attending the most classes.
Indicates required field
Student #1 Name
Student #1 Birthdate
CONTRACT & RATES - select monthly rate below
Choose One
1x/week - $60/month
2x/week - $100/month
New student start date
Student #2 Name
Student #2 Birthdate
CONTRACT & RATES - select monthly rate below for family discount
Choose One
1x/week - $50/month
2x/week - $90/month
New student start date
Mother/Guardian (if under 18)
Mother/Guardian Cell
Father/Guardian (if under 18)
Father/Guardian Cell
Student Cell
Home Phone
Zip Code
Email (our primary communication with you)
Emergency Contact Name & Relation
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Learning disabilities, medical conditions, or allergies?
It can be helpful for us to know if a student is autistic, ODD, ADD, ADHD, etc.
How did you hear about us / who referred you?
I agree not to hold Justin Press, Angelina Press, Ephrata Martial Arts, and/or its assistant teachers or associates responsible for any loss, injury, accident, liability, or sickness that might occur while I or my child are participating in classes, competitions, etc. I further state that all students listed on this registration are in good health and are not restricted from any physical activities such as martial arts, etc.
Please sign that you have read and agree to the above liability statements.
Type full name.
I have received and read the membership rates and understand that I am committed and liable for month to month (until a written notice is received for cancellation), 6 months, or 12 months according to the commitment period I chose on this form, and that there is an early cancellation fee if I do not wish to fulfill the contract.
I understand that refunds are not given for payments given in advance, but that under some circumstances we may allow makeup classes or extend your contract to compensate.
I understand that for my registration to be complete I must pay the full or pro rated tuition for the current month.
I understand that monthly payments are to be made by ACH (auto withdrawal) and that a void check will need to be provided to establish this.
(The ACH form can be acquired at our studio or by requesting through email)
6 and 12 month contracts have the option to pay cash in one or two lump sums.
Please sign that you have read and agree to the above financial obligation statements.
Type full name.
I agree to abide by the Ephrata Martial Arts code of ethics, dress code, and general policies.
(Please note that this includes not to distract the students and/or instructor(s) by talking or signaling to them during class or by making excessive noise, to take all phone calls outside, no rolling around/punching/etc while waiting for class, students keep a clean uniform and bow before stepping on/off the mats, no shoes on the training mats, and to wear shoes in the bathroom.)
Please sign that you have read and agree to the above statement.
Type full name.
Ephrata Martial Arts is hereby granted permission to take photographs / video of any and all students to use in print or electronic publication. As student or legal guardian of student, I do understand that photos will eventually be removed from the website as pictures from the new classes / teams are put in its place. For internet safety, I understand that Ephrata Martial Arts will only use my name/my child’s name on the internet if I grant them permission (sign below). I also realize that my name/my child’s name may be mentioned in local newspapers should his or her photo be taken and used for that purpose. I am confident that photos of my student will be appropriate and of good taste. I hereby give Ephrata Martial Arts exclusive rights for all media use of my child’s image. This includes all print, non-theatrical, home video, CD-ROM, internet and any other electronic media, advertising, posters, social media and other promotional materials that may be created in the future. Ephrata Martial Arts also has the right to use and intertwine (with or without other materials) in full or portion any photographs / video footage taken as a result of participating in Ephrata Martial Arts classes and events.
*This photo waiver applies to all classes, social events and public events that are associated with
Ephrata Martial Arts
hen posting or using pictures/other media forms of the student:
Choose One:
I DO also give permission to Ephrata Martial Arts to use my name/my child's first name and last initial if needed in any internet, social mdedia, print and/or media advertising.
I DO NOT give permission to Ephrata Martial Arts to use my name/my child’s name (partial or full) in any Internet, social media, print and / or media advertising. I understand that I/my child may be asked to leave a specific area of an event where photos or interviews are being taken to ensure that they are not included in media. I also understand that Ephrata Martial Arts is not responsible for other parents and/or bystanders or the general public’s ability to post students' pictures and tag my student's name on the Internet or social media sites.
Signature of Parent/Guardian for Media Release Waiver
Type full name.
With the submission of this form is due this month's tuition in part or in full depending on your start date. This payment will be
paid by cash in one or two lump sums for 6 or 12 months of training.
paid monthly by ACH (auto withdrawal) from a checking account.
Coupon code / advertised special to be applied?
Meet the Team
Class Schedule
Kids 3.5 - 13
3.5 - 4 Tiny Tigers
5 - 8 Little Warriors
8 - 13 Young Dragons
Teens & Adults 13+
Trial Class Waiver
Register for Class
3.5-4yo Registration
5-8yo Registration
8-13yo Registration
Teen/Adult Registration